Your current acrostic poem or mnemonic: | For keywords: |
Theme: | Your Quickstart to share with friends (what's a Quickstart?): |
Enter your key letters (for an acrostic poem) or keywords (for a mnemonic) in the bright boxes above and choose words for your poem or mnemonic. If you're happy with a word you can click the green check button or double-click a bright word. Clicking the cog filters words by part of speech: to change back to alphabetical press . Parts of speech are nouns , verbs , adjectives , Adverbs , conjunctions and interjections ; if you're not sure what these are don't panic- check out this useful poem. Add or remove words you may use in your acrostic poem or mnemonic to your hotlist or clear it. For mnemonics you can drag bright words below the boxes to re-order if order isn't crucial. To understand more watch the video below.